The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast
Learn how to tackle the overwhelm, difficult clients (and colleagues!), emotional toll, high expectations and the general craziness we all experience in vet med.
Your host Gunila Pedersen is a Small Animal Veterinarian working in ER and also a Master Certified Life Coach. She burnt out after owning her own clinic, and managed to find the way back through life coaching.
Today she shares insights, relatable topics, tactical advice and the tools and inspiration that will help you fall head over heels in love with vet med again just as she did.
Podcasting since 2024 • 45 episodes
The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep. 45: When you’re also the victim
Vet Med is no dance on roses.It’s incredibly rewarding. We make a huge difference to a LOT of animals and their owners.AND - when things go wrong, they can REALLY go wrong. There are more victim...
Season 1
Episode 45

Ep. 44: I wish I didn’t react like that
Getting a message from work, or a dreaded email from the Royal College can make our anxiety shoot through the roof in seconds.Is it WRONG to feel anxious and defensive about messages that we didn’t really want to receive?
Season 1
Episode 44

Ep. 43: Say your opinion and don’t play small
How significant are you?When you play small and fail to say what you really want, and stand up for yourself, you become insignificant.When you’re insignificant, your patients lose out on your valuable insight and ...
Season 1
Episode 43

Ep. 42: What if you’re wrong?
I opened the kennel and the dog face planted on my trainers. Oops.We had had a busy ER shift and I had finally gotten around to check on this impatient: A labrador that had been referred for out of hours analgesia and fluids be...
Season 1
Episode 42

Episode 41: Living the life YOU want TO LIVE
Two vets at completely different points in their lives - one burnt out after 10 years in practice and wanting to leave at all costs but staying because it’s the thing everyone expects.The other one absolutely loving life, has r...
Season 1
Episode 41