The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast
Learn how to tackle the overwhelm, difficult clients (and colleagues!), emotional toll, high expectations and the general craziness we all experience in vet med.
Your host Gunila Pedersen is a Small Animal Veterinarian working in ER and also a Master Certified Life Coach. She burnt out after owning her own clinic, and managed to find the way back through life coaching.
Today she shares insights, relatable topics, tactical advice and the tools and inspiration that will help you fall head over heels in love with vet med again just as she did.
The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast
Ep. 42: What if you’re wrong?
I opened the kennel and the dog face planted on my trainers. Oops.
We had had a busy ER shift and I had finally gotten around to check on this impatient: A labrador that had been referred for out of hours analgesia and fluids because of abdominal pain.
Now it had suddenly become a neuro case and I was panicking.
I called the owners, called the referral centers and managed to get her in for an emergency neuro referral next morning.
Only for her to jump out with a waggy tail next morning to greet the owners when they came to pick her up…
Annoying, right? I may have been wrong!
Actually… I have been wrong a LOT!
I used to:
- Say to owners either operate or pts any stomach torsion
- Treat FLUTD cats with convenia
- Happily hand out antibiotics without a second thought
- Treat shock with a “healthy dose” of dexametasone
- …
What happens when we’re wrong? Are we bad vets?
In this episode of the podcast I share my wrong stories with you and point out how we WILL be wrong over and over in vet med because of the profession we’re in.
You CANNOT be happy in vet med if being wrong defeats you.
What do YOU make it mean about you when you’re wrong?
And how can you be HAPPY about being wrong, and learn from it??
I refer to the book “Think again” by Adam Grant - an absolute gem to help you stay curious as opposed to getting stuck in “we’ve always done it like this” or “I should have known… ergo I’m a bad vet”.
Hey! Thanks for listening! Send me a text and let me know what you think.
The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast 🐾🩺 by Gunila Pedersen
Download free resource PDF The Top 10 Hacks to Overcome Burnout in the Veterinary Clinic: https://gunilalifecoach.ck.page/6ce9935261
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Email me: gunila@gunilalifecoach.com