The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast

Ep 26: How to cope with failure. Story of the balloon dog and doomed German Shepherd.

Gunila Pedersen Season 1 Episode 26

Right up until the day you leave vet school you can avoid the feeling of Failure by studying more and working harder.

That doesn’t work in the real world. Failure is GUARANTEED along the way.

Now how do you cope? 

 You’re a clever cookie, so you likely never got to experiment failure before.

Therefore you don’t learn to cope with the feeling, and never get used to it.

This is DEVASTATING  for a perfectionist personality and will drive you into the ground, because you won’t be able to cope, and will feel even more of a failure because you don’t know how to handle it.

In this episode I explain what happens to us when we fail in the clinic, with real stories from my vet life, and I give you my top 3 points to learn how to deal. 

Fear failure no more!! And never again feel you’re alone with this struggle.

Hey! Thanks for listening! Send me a text and let me know what you think.

The Overwhelmed Vet Podcast 🐾🩺 by Gunila Pedersen

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